Starting July 2024 NovelSense is partner in the KoFeMo – mFUND research project.
In urban areas, air purity is playing an increasingly important role. Motor vehicles, with their emissions from exhaust, brakes, and tires, are the main contributors to particulate matter pollution. In addition to traffic volume, environmental factors such as wind, temperature stratification, precipitation, etc., influence particulate matter levels. There is a great need to digitally capture particulate matter pollution in real time at its source and to predict it based on traffic and weather conditions.
Hence, the goal of KoFeMo is to investigate and model the spatial dynamics of urban particulate matter pollution on multiple scales using an exemplary urban district. The high-frequency, horizontally and vertically collected particulate matter data will be transferred to a database in near real-time and processed using artificial intelligence methods. Combined with multi-scale simulation, measures to improve air quality through intelligent traffic flow control will be derived.